SalesCtrl - Track and monitor information of your sales opportunities

Take your sales performance to an all-time high

To Real Business

Ever wonder why your competitor generates more Sales than you, even though their team is smaller? It's probably because they manage their opportunities better. SalesCtrl is an Opportunity Management Tool, to help you track and manage your Sales opportunities right from the outset. MindCraft’s sales force automation solution takes your sales team performance to the next level. With a set of relevant tools, it helps you streamline your sales process and convert more opportunities into actual sales.

SalesCtrl allows you to get an understanding of how many opportunities you have, what is their status and what it took to convert them into an actual sale. This tool lets you predict which opportunities are likely to convert and helps you focus on the right opportunities, which have a higher probability of conversion. SalesCtrl also helps you identify the opportunities that need immediate attention.

Analytics For
Decision Making


Forecast Sales Weekly, Quarterly and Annually

Resource Allocation Planning

Follow up with your team seamlessly

Opportunity Planning

Project Cash Flow with higher accuracy

Delegate tasks with ease

Key Features

Opportunity Management

Performance Management

Web Application

Customer Management

Mobile App

Contacts Management

Tactical Dashboards


Relevant Search Results

Find out how you can benefit with SalesCtrl