Banking and Financial Services

Banking and Financial Services

Banks are influenced by dynamic global trends, legal and government regulations and stakeholder demands. These growing pressures make it imperative for Banks to constantly evolve and improvise their services to stay ahead of the game. Services like Core Banking, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Electronic Funds Transfer, Customer Relationship Management, Lease and Finance Management, Loan Origination System and Wealth Management, have made IT an integral part of a Bank’s operations. Moreover, compliance with government regulations has made the generation of specific reports mandatory. IT has helped banks go digital while improving efficiency and enhancing customer experience. MindCraft helps banks transform and re-invent their business model by adopting technology that is tailor-made for their unique business need. Whether a bank wishes to enter the digital market or leverage IT spend for a round-the- clock Infrastructure Support, we can partner with them to help achieve their goals.

Learn how our Banking solutions can benefit your organization

  • PayCraft



    A Remittance Hub
  • PayConnect



    Integrated Payment Hub
  • Aurum



    Loan Origination System
  • MetRisk



    Risk Monitoring Solution

Banking Services

MindCraft can help make your applications resilient to architecture erosion with microservices. By packaging independent services in Docker containers, you can add new features and release software faster.
Complete automation of CI / CD process, use of Quality Gates, 24x7 support for developer community
Choose a cloud model that best suits your requirements, whether it is a private, public or hybrid cloud model. MindCraft can help banks set-up and run their infrastructure on cloud while leveraging hardware and network investments.
Customers can create accounts at the comfort of their homes through an online account creation process including initiation, data entry, document verification, de-duplication, CBS integration etc.
Implementation of scalable and secure callable interfaces to core systems. Disparate services are assembled in a single catalog and exposed in a secure and scalable way
Implementation of comprehensive SOA from a simple ESB-based service gateway to a complex event-driven or change-log driven integration
Implementation of workflow and process automation solutions in various functions like treasury, cash management, payments, customer service and foreign exchange
Implementation of internet-based portals for various communities. Provides unified view of the business that customers or partners have with the bank.
Implementation of BI solutions that provide detailed drill-down reports for on-ground teams and concise interactive dashboards for the top management.
Support on almost all key Middleware technologies along with applications deployed on the bank’s servers.

Solutions & Services for Financial Services

MindCraft has successfully delivered many projects for Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC) and Exchange Houses. Some key solutions and services for the Financial services include:

MindCraft can help build a highly secure litigation management system which can act as a central, indexed and searchable electronic repository and make the litigation process faster and more efficient.
MindCraft can help develop processes using BPM, define workflows within each application and develop integration points, thereby, helping the Financial services company streamline enterprise architecture while reducing IT costs through consolidation of inventory.
With IIB implementation, MindCraft can help make your systems robust, thus increasing business agility by reduction of effort, cost and turn-around time.